Discover a range of engaging, interactive career videos and activities that introduce young learners to different professions, helping them develop essential skills in a fun, age-appropriate way.
At the same time, explore research that enhances your knowledge of career development and offers insights to better guide them in their career exploration.
Little Ripples eBooks
The stories follow Layla, Liam and Rosa as they discover different careers and job roles.
The Adventures of you
These animated video series explore the mental skills that underpin decision making.
Redraw The Balance
This two-minute film, captures how young children define career opportunities as male and female.
Career card game
The Jobs of the Future card game helps start conversations with children about jobs in the future.
Career education in Primary school
This research presents the case for introducing career education in primary schools.
Virtual industry tours
Explore our local businesses as they take you on a tour of their workplaces.
Jobs I can have
This interactive video encourages students to guess the job based on the skills of the employee.
Careermag for Primary Schools
This e-mag provides information, activities, and ideas to help children explore the world of possibilities and challenge career misconceptions. (If prompted to sign up, click skip)